Sunday, June 29, 2014


Ida (2013) D: Pawel Pawlikowski. Agata Kulesza, Agata Trzebuchowska, Dawid Ogrodnik. A noviate (Trzebuchowska) comes to grips with her Jewish past and Catholic future in post-War Poland with the help of a disillusioned aunt (Kulesza) and a Coltrane-loving musician (Ogrodnik). The subtext of this somber but inescapably compelling movie is about the immense capacity of moviemaking to convey truths in a highly personal manner. Many of the square-framed shots begin as still photographs that stir to life with almost imperceptible movements. This one will stay with you.

Trailer here.

Friday, June 27, 2014

Chris Smither

Chris Smither at Ashland Coffee & Tea, 6/26/14: