By now, most of you have seen this video. A teabagger now known to be Chris Reichert of Victorian Village, a neighborhood in Columbus, OH, taunted and threw money at a man suffering from Parkinson's Disease. (Conservatives must get off on attacking Parkinson's sufferers. Remember this?) According to Wikipedia, Victorian Village:
is considered a gay village. Many of the homes are owned by same-sex couples, contributing to the diversity of the neighborhood. Gay gentrification was instrumental in the redevelopment of Victorian Village after the area declined in the 1960s and 1970s.
A Freudian might say that Mr. Reichert, his masculinity either challenged or stimulated from living in close proximity to gay people, got all excited from being part of a mob and symbolically sodomized the man: You can figure out for yourself what throwing the dollars all over the guy stands in for. The cameras gave Mr. Reichert an opportunity for others to see his manhood in action, at least as much manhood as one can show when mocking an older man with a degenerative disease.
To me, the teabagger mob action of last week was a form collective sexual ecstasy that met the needs of people who feel powerless in most aspects of their lives. There was an orgiastic spree of screaming and shouting, obscene talk, faces uncontrollably warped by anger and fear, and horn blowing and invocations of God, all culminating in a frantic orgasm of unspeakably filthy phone messages and bricks hurled through symbolic glass windows.
In the end, it all comes down to a sick obsession with President Obama. It's like the men fear and are fascinated by black male sexuality, while the women -- who comprise 55% of teabaggers -- fear it and are attracted to it. The fascination and attraction engenders self-loathing -- of which they have no shortage anyway -- which amps up the emotional chaos. They articulate these feelings through a fetishistic veneration of the Constitution that brooks no interpretation other than their own and a fear of Big Government (draw what symbolic conclusion you will) that did not exist when Obama's white predecessor assaulted the Constitution and increased the reach of government into personal lives.
So this is what it's all about: The same old baseless fear of white men that a black man is out to get their women. They don't see that the President is a happily married family man with children. In fact, they don't see him as a human being at all. He's a malign force after them personally, an inhuman thing to be gelded for the safety of us all.
Am I oversimplifying? Is teabaggery just about race and sex? Well, in post-Freudian America, what isn't about race and sex? OK, there are other things at work, such as paranoia, tribalism, nativism, jingoism, anti-intellectualism, and a blasphemous practice of Christianity that prays for God to intervene in secular political matters. But mostly, teabaggery (or teabuggery, in the case of Mr. Reichert) is about fear and loathing of The Other. And The Other is anyone not like them, as represented by the figure of an African-American president who somehow manages to keep his cool and rise above their most obscene deprecations. Which must drive them even crazier. I knew I liked the guy...
Parsley's Pics writes that the rage is not about health care? How good it be? It's completely disproportionate to a law that guarantees insurance to 32,000,000 of our fellow Americans, eliminates rescission, allows people with pre-existing conditions to purchase insurance, and rebates $250 to senior citizens as part of closing the Part D doughnut hole...
Barely ten, I bolted from Rose Chintz china...
"I feel paying taxes is one of the most patriotic things I get to do as a citizen of the United States"...
We'll just keep on keepin' on...
Old Man River, he just keeps rollin' along...
Those teabaggers just love the Constitution...except for free speech. State your preference for leader of the free world and you'll get run off the road. Sarah Palin thinks (to the extent that she thinks) this is just peachy and wants to see more of it...
True Story Dept: Oklahoma encourages hate crimes based on race or religion...
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