a wonderful music lover, citizen of the world and all round great guy. He has been a blogger of all things LEFT and does take the left to task when they need it. He is honest and straightforward. He truly does deserve this award.
All I can say is that I greatly respect Annette's judgment and insight as I humbly and modestly accept this award! Seriously, receiving the recognition of a respected peer has its own special place, and I am grateful for it.
Honest Weblog Award Rules:
Honest Weblog Award Rules:
1. You must brag about the award. (Done)
2. You must include the name of the blogger who bestowed the award on you and link back to that blogger. (Done)
3. You must choose a minimum of seven (7) blogs that you find brilliant in content or design. (See below)
4. Show their names and links and leave a comment informing them that they were prized with the Honest Weblog Award. (See below)
5. List at least ten (10) honest things about yourself. (Ten? I have to do ten?)
Then pass it on with the instructions!
I'm going to slightly amend #3 and recognize seven blogs that aren't afraid of an Honest Scrap:
- Editilla at the New Orleans Ladder provides much more than a listing of daily news and opinion items -- excellent as it is -- about the Crescent City. Da Ladda gets this award because of Editilla's acerbic commentary, especially the ones aimed the Army Corps of Engineers. Whiskey Tango Foxtrot?
- Rastamick at Nihil Obstat never met a honest scrap he didn't like. Biting and witty as he is, I'd hate to be on the receiving end.
- Helen Wheels at Just Ain't Right writes a feisty, unapologetically liberal blog that wingnut bloggers have singled out as part of the "hateful" left. Way to go, Helen?
- PWALLY writes about the Honest Scraps of her life with rueful, self-deprecating humor. But when she gets her back about about something, you know you have a fighter on your hands. Great art, too.
- Foxessa at Fox Home takes her stands with notable integrity and compassion. I can always count on her to provide a different and thought-provoking perspective on any issue she chooses to address.
- I like it when Cliff of Cliff's Crib sits on his front porch and tells it like it is. Cliff makes a genuine effort to understand all sides of a question before settling the matter with uncommon common sense.
- Kathy at Stone Soup Musings writes with a penetrating empathy that I wish I had. She knows how to make a point, too, through careful sourcing that builds to an inarguable conclusion.
Ten things about me:
- I have two sons who are college seniors.
- I met my wife via the internet.
- I [Heart]
New Orleans. - I never give up on the Red Sox.
- I am a huge sports fan.
- I read, read, read.
- I have been a liberal my entire life, raised from birth.
- I have a Master's degree in Library Science.
- I have four brothers and eleven nieces and nephews.
- I have never voted for a Republican.
Friday's Choice: Joe Cocker sings "With A Little Help From My Friends" at Woodstock:
Good work! And put up yer dukes!
Thanks for the Joe Cocker at Woodstock. Whenever my energy level gets low, I watch that to get all pumped up again.
Great job.. and you deserved it and much more.. thanks for your kind words and for all you do. I love reading your 10 things.. Hard aren't they...lol
Thanks again.. and I will check out the ones you suggested.
Congrats--richly deserved!
I do have to confess I voted for Jim Jeffords when I lived in VT, but does that really count?
Congratulations and thank you. You were right. This is a much more manly looking award.
I will give it the proper reply once I get back in town Sunday night.
Way to go K!
And Thanks youz fo'da hat tip, and for including us in such a steamable list of udda'scrappas!
You done caught me all speechless and that ain't easy don't'cha know.
Thank you!
Now if I can only figure out the rules that go with this award ....
Love, C
It turns out K and I have at least two things in common, one of which I put up in ten things about me -- I have never voted for a Republican -- and one of which I didn't -- I also have an MLS.
Love, C.
Well deserved, even if I have a slight bias!
Kudos, K!
Hey K! Way to GO!!! And, well-deserved and uh, well, thank you for same! I am so pleased! Shucks, I don't know what to say and that doesn't happen a lot...
I'm not going to tell you I voted for Nixon way back when...I just didn't know any better coming from Midland....sheesh! Embarrassing, huh......
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