Thursday, July 22, 2010

The Truthers Are Out There...

The Daily Paul suspects that the BP/Halliburton catastrophe just might be a plot, just enjoy the comments:
The blogger suggests it was an intentional drilling into the side of an asphalt volcano, which are plentiful in the Gulf, and which would release pressure like a shaken soda bottle. Great illusion, easy to control...problem-reaction-solution.
Is this alternative explanation viable? It sounds so to me...
The problem is that those I know personally (family members) who live in LA are being strangely silent about it...
All that is being questioned is the "source" of this damage. If it is a huge oil gusher then why hasn't more oil reached shore? Why is it "tar balls?" Tar balls make sense if an asphalt volcano, also referred to as a "tar volcano" was hit rather than an oil deposit...
Beware of YouTube. They know about it, and they are using it, and they are making "amateur videos" that look like "normal people" are making them, to influence you in certain ways. These NWO and gov't people are experts at propaganda. It's how they got where they are. Don't think that none of them can make videos that look like "normal people making a video". They know all about it, and how to make it look right, and how to insert their little subliminal messages into it. They live for psy-ops...
If we keep pressure on those actors and disinfo agents perpetuating the lie, things will get better in my opinion... there are probably 10-15 disinfo agents on the board here as well.. I'm just throwing out a number. Not sure how many.. but many of those you wouldn't suspect...
I wanted to bring up this subject on the DP several times but was afraid of ridicule. One should never feel reluctant to speak out. I am ashamed of myself. Thanks CKPAC for having the courage that I didn't have...
In my opinion I believe this is a grand hoax. Possibly a natural underground volcano is leaking something and maybe a few leaks somewhere else have been created. However I lean toward the theory that this is entirely fake.
9-11 was TV fakery in my opinion. Everything was set up by media and actors that still exist perpetrating a lie...
Yet we see this camera that to my eyes looks to be set on an endless loop cycle...
It still doesn't prove that the oil came from a wild well, or that it is still gushing. All we have to go on is the information THEY provide us...
Maybe you personally won't pay cap & trade, but its purpose is to fund the new global order which WILL affect you and all future generations... 
I have no proof but have a feeling that the way things went down this could be the case... 


Roy said...

Holy mackerel! The level of creepiness in those comments is amazing. And these people vote! Well, maybe; I suspect some of these are probably folks who don't vote because they believe that voting is just more bread and circuses distraction. ((shudder))

Unknown said...

Excuse me while I put on my tinfoil hat. I tried to go to paranoids anonymous, you know but THEY WOULDN'T TELL ME WHERE THE MEETINGS WERE!!! Ok hat's in place now and I just gotta say--some people are crazy:-)

K. said...

I forget how I found this, but it was a jaw dropper. I'm (only half -- o.k., maybe a quarter) surprised that Ron Paul hasn't asked to have his picture removed from the masthead.

Roy: Definitely makes one want to rethink the concept of universal suffrage.

Pink: If these people ever reach a critical mass, I'll don the tinfoil just to ward off them.

Ima Wizer said...

Oh brother....the conspiracy theorists.....what a load of crap they bring to the "table"! Republicans, every last one o' them!

Scrumpy said...

I can't see your profile for some reason. You can easily find me on FB. Search Aryn and my city and you can't miss it.

Foxessa said...

On my main blog I get posts from people in Scotland, who work for BP (I did a search) and other too who say even more outrageous bullshit.

I had to disable anonymous commentary, and even ban some people.

Most of the petroleum is underwater, where the cold preserves it and the sunlight, the best natural dispersant, can't reach. The layers of petroleum (this is petroleum -- NOT oil -- it's not oil YET) are thick on the surface of the ocean too.

As for tar balls in the Lake, they were there BEFORE the BP criminal blowouty, and for a LONG time. Just more are rolling in now.

Does this particular dorkdong, btw, think that ONLY Louisiana is effected by this disaster that has destroyed the Gulf of Mexico, whose currents bring waters to all of the Western Hemisphere?

Love, c.

Taradharma said...

hard to believe they inhabit the same planet as we do...and yet, they do. Crazy-making turds.

Darlene said...

And the moon is made of green cheese. Do these cretins have half a brain? Or maybe a few cells between their ears?

Leslie Parsley said...

By-products of Texas School Board members?

Frank Partisan said...

I personally like Jesse Ventura. He has really been wacky with conspiracy theories.

On rightist radio, late night they push space aliens and conspiracy theories.

I think the extreme left and right believe conspiracies, because they hate the system so much they believe anything.

Capitalism has become so barbaric, that who needs conspiracies to prove the system stinks.

Christine H. said...

No,,wait...I thought this was a joke!

K. said...

Ima: What I get a kick out of is that they'd read these comments and shake their heads at our pathetic naivete.

Foxessa: We're talking multiple dorkdongs here! Letting them know that there's more than Louisiana involved will just get them excited.

TD: They inhabit the same physical planet as we do.

Darlene: The rumor that the moon is made of green cheese is a hoax to cover up the real crime: cheese is made of green moons.

tnlib: It's worse: they are Texas school board members.

Ren: That's a fair point about extremists and conspiracies. What gets me about the politics of contemporary capitalism is the rabidness with which the right blames the victims. BTW, when I commented on your blog that you were genuine man of the left, I meant it as a compliment.

Christine: No one could make this stuff up. But there are infiltrators who hope to make truthers the object of ridicule by trolling their blogs and making comments that the truthers agree with 110% Or something.

Cowtown Pattie said...

By-products of Texas School Board members


* Just so's ya know...not every Texan claims dinosaur eggs were on the ark...