Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Afghanistan War Strategy Under Review

In light of recent developments, the White House has asked for a reassessment of American strategy in Afghanistan:
Faced with a grim assessment of the Afghan war from his top commander and opposition from leading Democrats, President Obama has begun a wholesale reevaluation of the military effort that could alter the strategic aims of the American mission.
Imagine that: A president who, when faced with the facts, alters strategy to adjust to reality instead of making it a test of "resolve." We haven't had that in a while. Oh, there's the usual carping from the military:
"They never really thought about what was required, and now they have sticker shock."
But where's the evidence that President Obama ever took Afghanistan lightly? To the contrary, he has long argued that it, not Iraq, was and is the so-called central front in the battle against Al-Qaeda. Vice President Biden has been arguing for a scaled back commitment in Afghanistan, one focused on Al-Qaeda and not nation building. Given military requests for additional troops and the recent election (generally regarded as corrupt), he may be carrying the day.

As for "sticker shock," we're not buying a car here. If the estimated cost in blood, treasure, and international prestige now appears too great, why should Obama give in to an argument by cheap analogy to fund an effort that is losing support in Congress and with the public? The military's answer to any problem is always to send in more troops. There's no historical support for that position: It didn't work in Vietnam and it didn't work in Iraq.

Afghanistan has never been subdued militarily. What evidence does the United States military have that its efforts would be any different? Me, I'm happy that President Obama wants a civilian review of Afghanistan instead of taking the military's word for what is needed...

The great E. J. Dionne writes that arguments over centrism and bipartisanship obscure the debate over policy in everything from health care to student loans...

Lynn Shelton, Seattle's award winning filmmaker, has a show on MTV. We've known Lynn for years; her working is refreshing and involving...

So, goodbye, Dublin boys, farewell...

I'll always be dreaming my dreams with you...

Something is happening here. Insurance companies need help and protection...

That's a lot of calamari: 19-1/2 foot giant squid caught off the Louisiana coast...

Breaking News: "I was black before the election." More here:


Ima Wizer said...

Now McCain has stepped into the Afghanistan picture demanding we send in more troops.....aaaaargh.

K. said...

Those guys are something else. You'd think he was the one we elected president.

rastamick said...

Afghanistan is where empires go to die, heard on Bill Press show yesterday...