Saturday, December 29, 2007


M-Day! Three of my four bros arrived yesterday. I'd just picked up Dad and Rosa when Jim called to tell me that he, Joe, and Frank were here and on their way from the airport. And Bob should be here this morning. 

While cleaning out my closet earlier in the morning, I found a wonderful picture of Mom, Dad, and Frank's daughter Phyllis when she was a baby. Mom would love T. (and vice versa). So much has happened since Mom died -- the MS scare and cancer; Laura's death; the boys' growing up, graduating, and leaving for college; T. coming into our lives -- that it's as if a lifetime came and went. 

At four, off to Cafe Juanita and the rehearsal. The chairs reconfigured. A song incorrectly downloaded. But the room looks right and we're ready. After, a nice dinner at the Pomegranate Bistro then off to celebrate my last night of bachelorhood with my brothers. Except that I'm worn out and they're done in from a day of flying. So I watched reruns of The Rifleman and Oz, took a Xanax, and went to bed. Tonight, my third life begins.

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