Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Jesse Ventura On Dick Cheney And Torture

You've probably already seen this excerpt from Jesse Ventura's appearance on Larry King. If not, it's Must See TV. The money quote -- which will be one of the quotes of the year -- comes at 2:27:
You give me a water board, Dick Cheney, and one hour, and I'll have him confessing to the Sharon Tate murders.
As is his wont, Ventura pulls no punches, arguing vigorously for the prosecution and jailing of everyone who had anything to do with torture. The former Navy SEAL holds Cheney and his five deferments at the same level of contempt that Cheney has for public opinion...

Just A Song: Guest blogger Stupid and Contagious writes insightfully about "This Dream Of You," a ballad from from Bob Dylan's excellent new album Together Through Life...

The Republican party: Out of touch and out of their minds...

The Cliff Walk in Newport, RI: A sparrow, a butterfly, and a violet. Roy, that doesn't happen to be the cliff that the Republican party has walked off of, does it? Check and see if the bottom looks anything like an elephant burial ground...


Roy said...

You know, it's really hard to believe that anybody in the upper tier of the GOP ever took a single political science course in their entire university stay. Do they actually know what socialism is? Did they read Marx and Engels? Or Owen? Or Fourier? Or Saint-Simon? Obviously not, or they'd know that a socialist government takes over the ownership and administration of the means of production and distribution of goods. Nowhere in the Democratic Party platform do I see this proposed, nor anywhere in President Obama's policies. These people have absolutely no clue what they're talking about when they want to add the term "Socialist" to the name of the Democratic Party. When one of them opens his or her mouth, all i hear is Led Zep singing "Dazed and Confused."

And how the hell did Minnesota manage to turn out both Jesse Ventura and Michell Bachmann? Jesse may be a little loud and sometimes he plays the buffoon, but he uses it to get the point across. But Michell? Does she even have a point?

BTW, I would pay to watch Jesse Ventura waterboard Dick Cheney!

And no, there are no elephant bones at the bottom of our cliffs; mostly just seashells and gull guano. Heh, heh! And Song Sparrows and butterflies and Dog Violets.

Good post, as usual.

Sylvia K said...

Great post! Hooray for Jesse! I just put together a post for later this week about cheney. Ah, great minds are indeed the same!!

Unknown said...

I love the comments on Youtube for the video from outraged neocons saying that Ventura is just a no good "liberal" (the dirtiest word in their playbook), and that he wants to see more American's lose their lives. It's amazing that they can't see the hypocrisy of calling out a veteran for taking a stance against war crimes that were facilitated by a draft dodger.

Ima Wizer said...

Republicans, an embarrassment to humanity!

Kvatch said...

"You give me a water board, Dick Cheney, and one hour, and I'll have him confessing to the Sharon Tate murders."And people say that Minnesotans were crazy when they elected Ventura governor. Not so!

K. said...

Kvatch: Thanks for stopping by. I checked out Ragebot! and really enjoyed it.

K. said...

Bill: Jesse is the worst kind of apostate to the neocons because they supported him when he ran for governor. They assumed he was one of them and got outraged when he turned out to be what he said he was: An actual independent.

Schwarzenegger is letting them down, too, although you can successfully govern California as a doctrinaire liberal is beyond me.

RobinB said...

Thanks so much for posting the Ventura interview! I've been out of touch for two weeks and this post was a great way to ease back in to the American news/political landscape.