Sunday, May 24, 2009

Sunday Funnies & Arts

As always, click to enlarge. For more Tom Tomorrow, Tom Toles, Calvin and Hobbes, Tony Auth, Peanuts, Pat Oliphant, and Zippy, click here, here, here, here, here, here, and here...

Stupid and Contagious: How Joan of Arc Felt...

Madam Miaow writes the "yellowface" is alive and well in British theatre:
Imagine, if you will, a return to ye olden days of the almost complete absence of actors of colour from TV, when white entertainers blacked up and sang songs about their dear old mammy and grinning piccaninnies chowed down on watermelon. The Arcola (the c is hard, not soft, in case you wondered) gives us a sort of menstrual minstrel show for 21st century theatregoers getting to grips with sexual politics, while race issues pass right over someone's head...

Life In New Orleans: Children's Hospital...

Roy's World: The musical evolution of "Wild Thing"...

Robert Frost's Banjo: "Ghazal 5/23"...

Sunday Gospel Time: The Spotted Cat closes and the Treme Brass Band gives it a stylish send-off:

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