The Art of Citizen K...
Sign in pasture, Donnelly, ID...
Ye olde fun faire...
Ezra Meeker and the Oregon Trail...
A cure for wingnuts, conspiracy theorists, and other chronic grouches. (But not birthers: They're lost to us.)...
Not just when they was fab, but when they was a Fab Five!...
Ziegfeld beauty Billie Dove...
Emmylou Harris and Loretta Lynn are two Blue Kentucky Girl(s)...
Steve Earle says Goodbye to Matt Saracen and (hopefully not) Tim Riggins...
I'll just let my subscription to Vanity Fair lapse, and stick with Citizen K! Did you get a big settlement to let them use your name? sp
a good smile on a sunday morning
Heh, heh! Love the Ben Sargent "Mayflower" cartoon; it's actually historically accurate. The Puritans came here because they weren't allowed to persecute others who didn't believe as they did back in England. Just like today's religious right, they saw it as oppression and persecution when they were prevented from persecuting others not like them. And of course they started right up as soon as they got here; Native Americans, Quakers, and Baptists all felt the fury of the Massachusetts Bay Colony for not being good Puritans. Their spiritual descendants today haven't changed a hair.
sussah: I wanted to settle for the girls in lieu of cash, but they said that I had to go to God-fearing Christian Nevada for stuff like that.
DC: Thanks! It's a regular feature.
Roy: That's why we have Rhode Island, right?
Aha! So THIS is the "art of Citizen K"! Who knew???
Life has been getting in the way of my blogging so I am late in getting my fix with your Sunday funnies. I'm glad I finally got to them because they are, as always, a hoot.
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