January 10, the seven-hundred-and-fifth year since the founding of Rome, the forty-ninth before the birth of Christ. The sun had long set behind the Apennine Mountains. Lined up in full marching order, soldiers from the 13th Legion stood massed in the dark. Bitter the night may have been, but they were well used to extremes. For eight years they had been following the governor of Gaul on campaign after bloody campaign, through snow, through summer heat, t0 the margins of the world. Now, returned from the barbarous wilds of the north, they found themselves poised on a very different frontier. Ahead of them flowed a narrow stream...
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Matt Molloy's
A barstool at Matt Molloy's pub, the day's first customers, sipping a Guinness while reading Rubicon, Tom Holland's literate and evocative account of the fall of the Republic of Rome. It begins:

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Nice! Matt Molloy's is one of the places on my bucket list. A friend of mine, now deceased, who also happened to play IKrish music, used to own property in Doolin, down in County Clare. He used to go up to Westport when he was over there to sit in on the sessions at Molloy's pub. He said it was some of the best music he ever played. I can believe it!
Wow. I love this iPhone photo app. Is it free?
Roy: New Orleans is to jazz, what the Mississippi Delta is to the blues, Doolin is to Irish traditional music. If your friend was good enough to sit in there and at Matt Molloy's, he was plenty good. Matt Molloy's is a great pub, but there are others in Westport just as nice, even if they don't have the musical cachet.
Killian: I think it's $1.99. It comes with three lenses and two or three kinds of film. We're having a great time with it, and neither of us are Roy when it comes to a camera.
I, too, love this photo app and will recommend it to my daughter who just bought the iphone.
Thanks for the book excerpt, here's a very positive review: http://illadvised.blogspot.com/2005/11/book-tom-holland-rubicon.html
Looks like that's my next book!
You and T are there! I was thinking you all had to be in the throes of travel. Glad you've arrived and in as good shape as possible, considering the state of travel these days.
So we're all where we are supposed to be, planned to be, at this time. Yay!
Love, c.
I love those photos
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