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I suppose that the right could sink lower than yesterday's obscenity at the base of the Lincoln Memorial, but it would take Rush Limbaugh broadcasting anti-Muslim hate speech from Martin Luther King's grave to pull it off. They'll have a thousand rationalizations about how Glenn Beck and Sarah Palin are MLK's natural heirs, but the bald truth remains that their cauldron of hate was a deliberate affront to millions of people around the world. I could think of a hundred good reasons to defecate in Beck's front yard -- it wouldn't be that difficult to come up with them -- but he wouldn't like it no matter how many times I explained that it was a righteous expression of liberty and that his whining was a typical conservative play of the Shit Card. We've been asking this of the right for nearly 60 years. I imagine that we'll be asking it for another 160...
A Howling in the Wires: An Anthology of Writing from Postdiluvian New Orleans includes a contribution from Cliff, who also read at last week's reading...
Sussah at angels and people/life in New Orleans takes consistently wonderful pictures of quotidian NOLA. Don't miss our big word, the burden of trauma, and Ora-Vista Baptist Church...
On the Run...
I went to Hawaii and got lei'd...
The sun is back and Roy is glad of it...
Quiet time with Gregory Peck...
Come on, sweet cream, don't forget to flash/We're all gonna meet at that million dollar bash. (Words and music by Bob Dylan; vocals and all instruments by Citizen K. III)...
Ryan Adams and Emmylou Harris perform a gorgeous, elegiac rendition of "Return of the Grievous Angel"...
My 2o1o NOLA jukebox:
Backatown, Trombone Shorty
Lighthouse, Susan Cowsill
An Album to Benefit Preservation Hall & the Preservation Hall Music Outreach Program, Preservation Hall Jazz Band
Bridging the Gap, Paul Sanchez and Shamarr Allen
Starve a Fever, Happy Talk Band
Tribal, Dr. John & the Lower 911
Happy Go Lucky, D. L. Menard
King of the Party, Big Sam's Funky Nation
American Patchwork, Anders Osborne
Between Rest and Motion, Eric Lindell
ya-ka-may, Galactic
For New Orleans -- you are His own:
Have a safe trip & well-deserved vacation! next 2 online courses sound more interesting than the last 2. sp
Have a great trip, K & T! We expect lots of pictures of the moody Irish countryside.
The guy who referred to liberals as cockroaches and who called our first bi-racial president a racist who had a deep seated hatred of whites wants to restore honor to America?
The Coen brothers couldn't come up with a better premise for their next film.
I'm calling this charlatan out for the next few days, digging up all the filth and vile rhetoric he has engaged in in the past and keeping it front and center for the few conservatives who lurk at my blog.
It is difficult to understand how so many people cannot see through his chicanery.
And no, he has no decency or honor.
Thanks, sussah and roy! Pix to follow!
Shaw, they don't see through it because they don't want to see through it. It's more satisfying to have a TV personality validate their prejudices with the message that they aren't the ones who are bigoted.
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