Thursday, October 14, 2010

The Answer, My Friend

The winds will blow their own freshness into you,
and the storms their energy,
while cares will drop away from you
like the leaves of Autumn.

-John Muir

(Thanks to Catherine Reynolds at Queso y Vino.)


Roy said...
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Roy said...

Okay, let's try this without the typos!

Heh, heh! Now that's a creative pairing! Well done, K!

Taradharma said...

was just reading about someone's trip to Yellowstone and was fully immersed in the vastness of that landscape. then to come here and see this lovely bit by Mr. Nature himself, well, perfect.

On the radio yesterday I heard Bob singing an updated version of this song, and he did it quite nicely. Don't know when he did it -- but I'd like to find that version again.

K. said...

Tara, there's a wonderful novel called Letters From Yellowstone (Diane Smith). It doesn't sound like much: A group of botanists survey Yellowstone's plant life in 1898, but don't let that stop you. The narrator is that 19th C. rarity: A female scientist who writes her letters with a combination of insight, wit, and Victorian discretion. Plus, Letters conveys a great impression of what the park must have been like before the roads and hotels.