Wednesday, November 11, 2009


Citizen K. broke his wrist yesterday. All I can say is to beware of dark elementary school parking lots, especially when it's cold and rainy. You tend to overlook those concrete parking rests.


Foxessa said...

O, shyte!

Having had a broken wrist (and fingers, hand, arm and elbow) -- this hella hurts.

I'm so sorry. Damn it!

Love, C.

Tess Kincaid said...

You tripped on one of those parking thingies? Oh, man, you are lucky you didn't break something more, like your neck!

Feel better soon. (hunting and pecking with one hand? ick)

Sylvia K said...

That is really a crappy thing to have happen, but I am glad it wasn't worse! I always say that if I have to fall, maybe it should be on my head as that is definitely the hardest part of my body. Hang in there!


K. said...

The parking thingies! I knew they had a name!

The worst part was the drive to the ER. This happened in South Seattle, an area of town about which
i have zero knowledge. It took me an hour driving one-handed in miserable conditions to get the nearest ER that I knew of. However, they greeted me with open arms and an injection of pain killer.

F, I just finished reading Samuel Charters' history of the early days of New Orleans jazz. It closes with a lovely vignette of the 76-year old Charters, in his returb to nola after Katrina, boogieing at the Maple
Leaf to a trio led by Johnny Vudokovich, who you and Vaquero saw with Mose Allison.

Foxessa said...

You can type!

Vaquero's shoulder and arm are still in a lot of pain.

I've been suggesting he start learning to use DragonWriter or some similar program. I thought maybe the two of you could start learning it at the same time!

One of my dear friends, a writer, naturally, had such bad carpal tunnel and the surgery correcting it had a lot of trouble, so she couldn't really type for a long time. She wrote a whole book via DragonWriter. She said she got used to it a lot faster than she expected, and it worked far better than she expected. The longest part is for the program to start 'recognizing' your voice, cadences, and so on. But it could do apostrophes even, fairly soon.

Love, C.

Roy said...

"Ouch" is right! Considering what you tripped over, you could have had some broken toes, too (says the guy who trips over damned near everything). I hope it heals fast.

Annette said...

Take care and get better soon.. I saw your posting on Facebook so good luck with the surgery and hopefully you will heal very quickly.

Scrumpy said...

That is no fun! Hope you get back to normal quickly. Is this your first broken bone?

K. said...

Yep! Never once broke a limb as a kid.