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Maybe it's the surgery, but Citizen K. feels aggravated this morning. It all started with Fox Sports News report in which Terry, Jimmy, Howie and the rest of the football pregame guys visited the troops in Afghanistan. Citizen K. doesn't begrudge a little morale boost; God knows that it's needed. But he couldn't help noticing that of the 10-12 sound bytes from soldiers, only one was from a woman and only one was from an African-American. The rest were from white men.
Citizen K. also took notice of Howie Long's ernest report from a medical unit that treats friend and foe alike. Which neatly sidestepped the matter of civilian casualties, one of the critical issues in Afghanistan. Likely, the med center treats all too many of those...
Then there's this depressing story from the New York Times about the mounting costs of the war in Afghanistan. Reporter Christopher Drew writes: "While President Obama's decision about sending more troops to Afghanistan is primarily a military one..." This is not only exactly wrong, it's part and parcel of the problem with sending more troops. BECAUSE THE DECISION ABOUT SENDING MORE TROOPS IS STRATEGIC, NOT MILITARY. What strategic interests does the United States serve by propping up a corrupt, dysfunctional regime?...
On the good side, The Lacuna, Barabara Kingsolver's superb (so far) new novel, really eases recuperation. As does Little Moon, Grant-Lee Phillips fine new CD about the pleasures and responsibilities of fatherhood...
K., you blog better one-handed and aggravated than most do with both hands! As to the aggravation, i find I write some of my best pieces while aggravated, so no worries there...
I agree completely with your analysis of the Afghanistan situation. As to Fix Sports, they're all in it for the same reasons at that network. I'm surprised any women or people of color got in the frame at all!
Feel better, enjoy the Percoset, and thanks for the reading recommendation. If you like John Irving, his new one is true to form - so far, a great read.
Hey, you must be feeling a bit better to put together your usual Sunday array of cartoons & cogent opinions. The Fox Sports thing sounds horrible; tho I'm also for morale boosting, why does it have to be done in a way that lines some mega-corporation's pockets, & then to top it off in Fox's usual offensive manner?
Wha'chu Gripin'bout?
It was Sloppy yes,
and those Rams just would not lay down no!
But, 9-0 Baby!
Dat'what you smell ain't just our bad levees...
it is the smell of Glory.
Thanks so much for the support and kind words!
Hope you're feeling a little more back to normal each day.
Poor boy blues will get bettah! Hang in there, sport! As for FOX, ugh, don't watch that crap.
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